This is Molly...
She's been in my life for the last 8 years. Isn't she a cutie?
This is Ryan.
He's been in my life for the last 2 years. He's a cutie too!
We have been a family for the last year. Ryan and Molly haven't always gotten along. When we were dating, lets just say it was more of a hate relationship than love. But I have been able to see Ryan's love for Molly blossom in the last year.
Now they are best friends. He would take her everywhere if he could. He loves to bug her (all the time), let her hang her head out of window while he's driving (my dad has saw a man in a white truck driving down the road with this little white dog hanging out of the window and it turned out to be Ryan), and even Home Depot trips. But he doesn't take her inside all the time. He told me he doesn't have a purse for her to sit on in the cart. I told him I can take care of that and get him a murse (man purse). He said NO, she's fine in the car.
There was this one time he was letting her hang out of the window while he was in our neighborhood. He went over a bump and Molly fell out. He said she was fine, hopped right back into the truck and continued to hang her head out. What a trooper.
Now they are SNUGGLE BUDDIES!! They love to snuggle and take naps together.
What a cute little pair they are.
Ryan said he would kill me if I posted these pictures, I'm willing to take the risk.
I don't know why he thinks Molly is a pillow. I mean she's soft, but come on.
PS doesn't he look hot in his pink shirt....Love you!!!!