Thursday, November 10, 2011

Engagmement Date and 9-11

Since Ryan started the fire academy he has had opportunities to do different service projects. For 9.11 he helped set up a memorial in Scottsdale. It was really awesome remembering the events of that day. 

On a happier note, two years ago Ryan proposed to me with a ring pop (my ring wasn't ready yet) at Huntington Beach!  Since then, every year on 9.11 he gives me a ring pop and tells me sweet things.  It's so sweet of him and I am so cheesy that I eat up every second of it, then eat the ring pop! :)
I am the luckiest girl ever!!


  1. Hey Kara...where is that LOVE sign? I have seen a lot of people take pictures there

  2. Love the ring pop idea. Mine was a vending machine ring that Cody had to pay for twice (the first one came out empty)! At least you can eat yours. :)

  3. Nikki,
    the love sign was in downtown scottsdale. the cross streets were Indian School and 75th Street, i think by Scottsdale center for the arts.
